My podcast interview for Radio Café Global on AI Risks and Digital Humanism (Los riesgos de la IA con el Dr. Erich Prem) (in Spanish) – November 2023
Zukunft Denken – Podcast – 061 Digitaler Humanismus, ein Gespräch mit Erich Prem (in German) – August 2022
Technologie ist kein Schicksal (Article in German) – Profil January 2025
Pushing into the digital future with the Corona crisis (Article in German) – May 2020
Austrian Consulting Company eutema announces the Launch of the Spin-Off ‘Eutema Research Services’ (Article in German) – February 2020
EPIC Project Supported International Dimensions of Artificilal Intelligence Conference Attracts Sellout Crowd in Canberra – February 2019
OCG Jahresopening Nachlese (Article in German) – January 2019
Artworks to Stimulate the Take-up of Emerging Technology– March 2019
AI in Österreich – Eine Annäherung auf Basis wirtschaftsstatistischer Analysen (Federal Ministriy of Transport, Innovation and Technology ) – May 2019
Innovations- und Forschungsmasterplan IKT Salzburg (Land Salzburg) – January 2017
Erich Prem (2025) Virtuous information technology entrepreneurs. In: Hoffmann C. AI Ethics in Practice. Springer, to appear.
Erich Prem (2025) AI Regulation and Innovation: a Touchstone of Digital Humanism In: Digitale Melange. to appear.
Erich Prem (2024) Managing entrepreneurial AI ethics risks. In: Hoffmann C (ed.) Artificial Intelligence, Entrepreneurship and Risk Management. Springer, to appear.
Erich Prem (2024) Principles of digital humanism: a critical post-humanist view. Journal of Responsible Technologies. 20 January 2024, 100075.
Erich Prem (2024) Managing Entrepreneurial AI Ethics Risks. In: Hoffman, Christian (ed.) Artificial Intelligence, Entrepreneurship and Risk Management: Reflections and Positions at the Crossroads between Philosophy and Management. Springer. To appear.
Erich Prem, Brigitte Krenn (2024) On algorithmic content moderation. In Ghezzi et al. (eds.) Introduction to digital humanism. Springer, 2024, pp. 481-493.
Erich Prem (2024) Approaches to ethical AI. In Ghezzi et al. (eds.), Introduction to digital humanism. Springer, 2024, pp. 225-239.
Carlo Ghezzi, Jeff Kramer, Julian Nida-Rümelin, Bashar Nusseibeh, Erich Prem, Allison Stanger, Hannes Wertner (2024) Introduction to Digital Humanism. A Textbook. Springer.
Erich Prem (2023) From Ethical AI Frameworks to Tools: A review of approaches. In: AI and Ethics.
Erich Prem, Julia Neidhardt, Peter Knees, Stefan Woltran, Hannes Werthner (2023) Digital humanism and norms in recommender systems. (Extended abstract) First workshop on normative design and evaluation of recommender systems, 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Singapore. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 3639.
Erich Prem (2023) An exercise-based introduction to ethical issues of AI. AI Summer School, Vienna University of Technology.
Erich Prem (2022) Digital und human leben: ein Abriss des digitalen Humanismus. In: Kosmos Österreich, No. 71.
Erich Prem (2022) Der kybernetische Traum von der guten Gesellschaft. In: Der Standard, 16.7.2022.
Erich Prem, Lynda Hardman, H. Werthner, P. Timmers (eds). (2022) Research, innovation, and education roadmap for digital humanism. The Digital Humanism Initiative.
Erich Prem (2022) A knowledge-based perspective of strategic AI innovation management. In: Tanev S., Blackbright H. (Eds.) Artificial Intelligence and Innovation, World Scientific, February 2022.
Erich Prem (2022) A brave new world of mediated online discourse. Communications of the ACM February 2022. (Summary video.)
Erich Prem (2022) Our digital mirror. In: Lee E., Ghezzi C., Prem E., Werthner H. (Eds.) Perspectives on digital humanism.
Lee E., Ghezzi C., Prem E., Werthner H. (Eds.) Perspectives on digital humanism. Springer, 2021.
Wolfgang Polt, Michael Peneder, Erich Prem (2023) Neue europäische Industrie-, Innovations-und -Technologiepolitik (NIIT) Eine Diskussion zentraler Aspekte mit Blick auf Österreich. Joanneum Research, Technical Report. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.11877.68323
Cowls, J., Darius, P., Golunova, V., Mendis, S., Prem, E., Santistevan, D., & Wang, W. (2020). Freedom of Expression in the Digital Public Sphere [The Ethics of Digitalisation Policy Brief, 3]. Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.
Erich Prem: Open Science for Innovation: A Knowledge and Policy Perspective. In: Managing Digital Open Innovation. World Scientific, May 2020
Erich Prem: Artificial Intelligence for innovation in Austria. Technology Innovation Management Review, December 2019 (Volume 9, Issue 12), 2019.
Erich Prem: Digitizing science, the negativity of knowledge, and its lack of truth. Presented at the 17th Annual STS Conference, Graz, May 2018.
Dietmar Lampert, Martina Lindorfer, Erich Prem, Jörg Irran, Fermín Serrano Sanz: New indicators for open science – Possible ways of measuring the uptake and impact of open science. In: fteval Journal for Research Technology Policy Evaluation. Issue 44, September 2017, pp.50-56.
Erich Prem: Constructing Opportune Knowledge. An epistemological investigation into processes of dynamic constructions of useful knowledge for innovation. Dissertation, Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, 2017.
Erich Prem: Innovation Opportunities Emerging from Leading-Edge Art/Science/Technology Interaction. In: Int. J. Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, to appear. Presented at the XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference – Composing the Innovation Symphony, Austria, Vienna on 18-21 June 2017.
Erich Prem: Truth emerging from leading-edge Art/Science/Technology interaction. In: Leonardo. DOI: 10.1162/LEON_a_01470
Erich Prem: Triple Helix Concepts Application to a Regional ICT Innovation System. Presented at the ISPIM Innovation Summit, Kuala Lumpur.
Erich Prem: The role of technology for innovation management research methodology. In Proceedings XXVI ISPIM Conference – Shaping the Frontiers of Innovation Management, Budapest, Hungary on 14-17 June 2015.
Erich Prem: A digital transformation business model for innovation. In: Proceedings ISPIM Innovation Summit, Brisbane, Australia on 6-9 December 2015.
Erich Prem: ICT and science 2.0: technology-mediated trends and characteristics of new scientific practices. Proc. 15th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-Driven Business, ACM, 2015.
Erich Prem: Scenario-based technology roadmaps for innovation and research policy. ISPIM Asia-Pacific Innovation Forum, Singapore, 2014.
Erich Prem, Hannes Werthner, Birgit Hofreiter: The informatics innovation center (i2c) at the Vienna University of Technology – its design and first experiences. ISPIM Americas Forum, 2014, Montreal, Canada.
Erich Prem: Evaluation as the construction of policy narratives. fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation, No. 39, Vienna.
Erich Prem: Identifying international research cooperation capabilities in information and communication technologies. Science and Public Policy (pp. 1-15).
Erich Prem: Technologien der Innovation (Innovation Technologies). APA Science, Austrian Press Agency, 18.11.2013.
Erich Prem: Collaboration for innovation from Future and Emerging Technologies. 6th ISPIM Innovation Symposium, Melbourne, 2013.
Jelena Popović-Gerber, Jesus Angel Oliver, Nicolás Cordero, Thomas Harder, José A. Cobos, Michael Hayes, Seán Cian O’Mathuna, Erich Prem: Power electronics enabling efficient energy usage: Energy savings potential and technological challenges. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 27, No. 5, May 2012, IEEE.
Erich Prem, Emma Barron, Desai Arcot Narasimhalu, Ian Morgan: International ICT Research Collaboration: Experiences and Recommendations. In: Proc. of the ISPIM Symposium, Wellington New Zealand, 2011.
Erich Prem, Desai Arcot Narasimhalu, A.T.T. Loong, Emma Barron, Dana Sanchez, Ian Morgan: Strategies for European ICT RTD Cooperation with Australia and Singapore. In: Proc. of the ISPIM Conference, Hamburg, 2011.
Erich Prem: Research-related ICT Enterprises in Austria: Founding Teams and their Motivation. In Huizingh K.R.E., Conn S., Torkkeli M. & Bitran I. (Eds) Proc. of the XX ISPIM Conference, Int. Society for Professional Innovation Management, 2009.
Erich Prem: Boosting research in electronics enabling efficient energy usage. In: ERCIM News, Nr. 79, ERCIM, 2009.
Erich Prem: Characteristics of EU-China Research Co-operation in Information Technology, Proceedings of the 1st ISPIM Innovation Symposium “Managing Innovation in a connected world”, 2008.
Andreas Urschitz, Erich Prem, Jorg Malzon-Jessen, Timothy M. Maloney: The power of electronic power management. 5th Int. Conf. on Industrial Informatics, Vol.2, 1221-1226, IEEE, 2007.
Erich Prem: Forschung, Innovation, Technologie: FIT. In: Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik 124 (1-2), Wien, 2007.
Erich Prem, Bernd Wohlkinger, Patrick Poelz, Ursula Eysin: Grundlagen einer österreichischen IKT-Forschungsstrategie (Foundations of an Austrian ICT research strategy). Council for Research and Technological Development, Vienna, Austria, 2006.
Erich Prem: Zur Lage der österreichischen Forschung auf dem Gebiet integrierter Systeme (On the Situation of Embedded Systems Research in Austria), e+i, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 12, Vienna, 2005.
Jürgen Rattenberger, Patrick Poelz, Erich Prem, Emma Hart, Andrew Webb, Peter Ross: Artificial Immune Networks for Robot Control. In: L.Berthouze et al. (Eds.), Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics, Genova, Italy, vol. 117, pp 151–154, 2004.
Erich Prem: Continuous improvement as continuous search: experiences with a novel IT research programme. 5th International CINet Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2004.
Erich Prem: The ERA Challenge for Semantic Systems and Services: A national programme perspective. eChallenges Conference, Vienna, 2004.
Patrich Pölz, Erik Hörtnag, Erich Prem: Processing and Clustering Time Series of Mobile Robot Sensory Data. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, 2003.
Peter Ross, Emma Hart, Alistair Lawson, Andrew Webb, Erich Prem, Patrick Pölz, Giovanna Morgavi: Requirements for getting a robot to grow up. In: Advances in Artificial Life, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin, 2003.
Patrick Pölz, Erich Prem: Concept acquisition using isomap on sensorimotor experiences of a mobile robot. In: Prince C.G., et al.(eds.), Proceedings of the third international workshop on Epigenetic Robotics (EPIROB’03), August 4-5, 2003, Boston, MA, USA, Lund University Cognitive Science, Kungshuset, Lundagard, pp.175-176, 2003.
Erich Prem: Technology-driven selection of financial instruments. Donau Universität Krems, Austria, 2001.
Erich Prem: Innovative mobile services and revenue models. Donau Universität Krems, Austria, 2001.
Erich Prem: Measures Driving SME participation in the “Information Society Technologies” Program of the EU. 5th International and 8th National Research Conference on Quality and Innovation Management, Euro-Australian Co-operation Centre – Victoria, Melbourne, 2001.
Goerog Dorffner, Karin Schellner, Erich Prem: Regularized Gaussian Mixture Models for Effective Short-Term Forecasting of Rainfall Pattern, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 118(7/8)371-378, 2001.
Erich Prem: Changes of Representational AI Concepts Induced by Embodied Autonomy. CCAI, Journal for the Integrated Study of Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science and Applied Epistemology, Vol 17, No 3-4, pp. 189-208, 2000.
Karin Schellner, Georg Dorffner, Erich Prem: Predicting Rainfall Patterns Using Regularized Gaussian Mixture Models. In: Trappl R.(ed.), Cybernetics and Systems 2000, Oesterreichische Studiengesellschaft fuer Kybernetik, Wien, pp.564-569, 2000.
Erich Prem: The Implications of Embodiment for Cognitive Theories: A Systems View. In: Trappl R.(ed.), Cybernetics and Systems ’98 – Proc. of 14th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, Vienna, pp.687-692, 1998.
Erich Prem: Semiosis in Embodied Autonomous Systems. Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp.724-729, 1998.
Erich Prem: The behavior-based firm: application of recent AI concepts to company management. In: Applied Artificial Intelligence, 11 (3), pp. 173-195, 1997.
Erich Prem: Epistemological Aspects of Embodied Artificial Intelligence. Cybernetics and Systems, 28(5), iii-ix, 1997.
Erich Prem: The world according to a humanoid robot. In: Beneder M.(ed.),, Oldenbourg, Muenchen/Wien, pp. 17-27, 1997.
Erich Prem: Epistemological Aspects of Embodied Artificial Intelligence. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut fürArtificial Intelligence, Wien, 1997.
Erich Prem: Epistemic Autonomy in Models of Living Systems. In: Husbands P. and Harvey I.(eds.), Fourth European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL97), MIT Press/Bradford Books, Cambridge/London, pp.2-9, 1997.
Erich Prem: The role of anticipation in adaptive embodied autonomous system. In: Dubois D.M.(ed.), Computing Anticipatory Systems, CHAOS Center for Hyperincursion and Anticipation in Ordered Systems Institut de Mathematique, Universite de Liege, Belgium, pp.13-16, 1997.
Erich Prem: The world according to a humanoid robot. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut fürArtificial Intelligence, Wien, 1997.
Erich Prem (ed.): Special Issue on Epistemological Aspects of Embodied Artificial Intelligence. Cybernetics and Systems, 1997.
Erich Prem: The referential basis of abduction and logic. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut fürArtificial Intelligence, Wien, 1996.
Erich Prem: Neue adaptive Loesungen zur Kontrolle dynamischer Prozesse durch intelligente Technologie. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut fürArtificial Intelligence, Wien, 1996.
Erich Prem: The Behavior-Based firm: An Application of Recent AI Concepts to Company Management. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, 1996.
Erich Prem: Elements of an epistemology of Embodied Artificial Intelligence. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, 1996.
Erich Prem: New AI: Naturalness Revealed in the Study of Artificial Intelligence. in Dorffner G.(ed.), Neural Networks and a New AI, International Thomson Computer Press, London, pp. 13-28, 1996.
Erich Prem: Elements of an epistemology of Embodied Artificial Intelligence. In: Mataric M.J.(ed.), Embodied Cognition and Action, AAAI Press/MIT Press, Cambridge/Menlo Park, pp. 97-101, 1996.
Erich Prem: The referential basis of abduction and logic. In: Flach P.(ed.), ECAI’96 Workshop on Abductive and Inductive Reasoning, ECAI’96, Budapest, Workshop Notes, pp. 50-55, 1996.
Erich Prem: Motivation, Emotion and the Role of Functional Circuits in Autonomous Agent Design Methodology. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, 1996.
Erich Prem: Grounding and the Entailment Structure in Robots and Artificial Life. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, 1995.
Erich Prem: Connectionist Knowledge Transfer Method. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, 1995.
Erich Prem: Integrating Knowldge-Based Components into Neural Network Software. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, 1995.
Erich Prem: Dynamic Symbol Grounding, State Construction, and the Problem of Teleology. In: Mira J. and Sandoval F.(eds.), From Natural to Artificial Neural Computation, Proc. of International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks, Malaga-Torremolinos, Spain, Springer, 1995.
Erich Prem: Symbol Grounding and Transcendental Logic. In: Niklasson L. and Boden M.(eds.), Current Trends in Connectionism, Lawrence Erlbaum, New Haven/Hillsdale/Hove, p. 271-282, 1995.
Erich Prem: Understanding Complex Systems: What can the Speaking Lion Tell us?. In: Steels L.(ed.), The Biology and Technology of Intelligent Autonomous Agents, NATO ASI Series “Computer and Systems Sciences”, Vol.144, Springer, Berlin, 459-574, 1995.
Erich Prem: Zur Konstruktion eines Humanoiden. OeGAI Journal, 4,12-13, 1995.
Erich Prem: Grounding and the Entailment Structure in Robots and Artificial Life. In: Moran F., et al.(eds.), Advances in Artificial Life, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York/Tokyo, pp.39-51, 1995.
Gerog Dorffner, Herbert Wiklicky, Erich Prem: Formal Neural Network Specification and its Implication on Standardization. In: Computer Standards & Interfaces, 16, pp. 205-219, 1994.
Erich Prem: Symbol Grounding: Die Bedeutung der Verankerung von Symbolen in reichhaltiger sensorischer Erfahrung mittels neuronaler Netzwerke. Dissertation, Institut für Med.Kybernetik u. AI, Universitaet Wien, 1994.
Erich Prem: Symbol Grounding and Transcendental Logic. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, 1994.
Erich Prem: Symbol Grounding Revisited. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, 1994.
Erich Prem: Symbol Grounding: Die Bedeutung der Verankerung von Symbolen in reichhaltiger sensorischer Erfahrung mittels neuronaler Netzwerke. Institut fuer Med.Kybernetik u. AI, Universitaet Wien, 1994.
Erich Prem: Symbol Grounding and Transcendental Logic. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, 1994.
Erich Prem: Symbol Grounding Revisited. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, 1994.
Georg Dorffner, Erich Prem: Connectionism, Symbol Grounding, and Autonomous Agent. Proc. of 15th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Boulder, CO, June, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 144-148, 1993.
Georg Dorffner, Erich Prem, Markus Mackinger, Stefan Kundrat, Paola Petta, Gerold Porenta, Heinz Sochor: Experiences with Neural Networks as a Diagnostic Tool in Medical Image Processin. In: Michaelis J., et al.(eds.), Europäische Perspektiven der Medizinischen Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemologie, MMV, Muenchen, 1993.
Georg Dorffner, Erich Prem, Harald Trost: Words, Symbols, and Symbol Grounding. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, TR- 93-30, 1993.
Georg Dorffner, Herbert Wiklicky, Erich Prem: Formal Neural Network Specification and its Implications on Standadrization. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, 1993.
Erich Prem: The Problem of Preprogramming Knowledge into Neural Networks: A survey of issues related to task 202 of “NEUFODI” (ESPRIT-II project No.5433). Communication and Cognition – Artificial Intelligence, 10(1-2), 1993, 1993.
Erich Prem: Understanding and Self-Organization – What Can the Speaking Lion Tell Us?. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, 1993.
Erich Prem: Die Anwendung neuronaler Netzwerke in der betrieblichen Unternehmung. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, 1993.
Erich Prem, Georg Dorffner: Effektive Nutzung von a priori Wissen fuer neuronale Netze – Europaeische Forschung im Rahmen von ESPRIT-II. Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie fuer das neue Europa (Wiener IT-Kongress), ADV, Wien, 1993.
Erich Prem, Markus Mackinger, Georg Dorffner, Gerold Porenta, Heinz Sochor: Concept Support as a Method for Programming Neural Networks with Symbolic Knowledg. In: Ohlbach H.J.(ed.), GWAI-92: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York/Tokyo, 1993.
Erich Prem: Aspects of Rules and Connectionism. In: Trappl R.(ed.), Cybernetics and Systems ’92, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore/London, pp.1343-1350, 1992.
Erich Prem: The Science of a “New AI”. Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, 1992.
Erich Prem, Markus Mackinger, Georg Dorffner, Gerold Porenta, Heinz Sochor: Concept Support as a Method for Programming Neural Networks with Symbolic Knowledge, Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence, Wien, 1992.
Erich Prem, Schmitzer: On the Nature of Design. In: Trappl R.(ed.), Cybernetics and Systems ’92, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore/London, pp.699-706, 1992.
Erich Prem: A Description Framework for Solving the ‘Theory Problem’ in Connectionism – Analysis and a Proposal. Diploma thesis, Institut für Med.Kybernetik u. AI, Universitaet Wien, 1991.